The Hogwarts Library

Books by Anthea Hawthorne

Story Chapters Reads
Organising Your Studies by Anthea Hawthorne 6 618
Do you find the sheer amount of information Hogwarts has to offer daunting? Do you get overwhelmed at the number of classes, or find it hard to keep track of which lesson you're on at any given point? Do you wonder how on Earth you'll remember everything shown in lessons? This book covers my organisational tips, and how I use technology and planning to make the most of my studies. I use Notion…
  618 Reads • 6 Chapters
Observations from: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's… by Anthea Hawthorne 8 386
As I do my second read-through of the Harry Potter series, I thought I would write down anything that sticks out to me, from a world-building perspective, as well as anything that can help me grow in my own academic journey as an amateur witch.
  386 Reads • 8 Chapters
Learn a Language with Harry Potter by Anthea Hawthorne 3 352
How I'm using the Harry Potter books in my quest for polyglottery
  352 Reads • 3 Chapters
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