

Please read the following announcements before messaging Professor Kwan with questions. They may be answered here!

  1. Defense Against the Dark Arts Year One receives a high number of assignments per day and per week. Our team is composed entirely of volunteers who have to manage their real lives as well. Please do not owl the team about grading your assignment if less than two weeks have elapsed.

  2. Lessons 1-7 essay assignments have been revised as noted by the 'Updated January 13th 2024'  text underneath the prompts. We are allowing students who originally received 70% - 99% to retake these assignments should you want to. You must owl Professor Kwan with your assignment ID so she can verify your assignment was completed using the old prompt.

  3. If you believe that an assignment has been graded unfairly, please message Professor Kwan or Lily Lavender with the assignment ID. Please ensure your message is respectful or your request/appeal will be denied.

  4. If you have questions about the course content, please owl Professor Kwan or any of the Professors' Assistants (PAs)!

Informative Piece (Essay)

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Defense Against the Dark Arts Year One will serve as an introduction that will set the foundation for your magical education and properly prepare you for future work in Defense Against the Dark Arts. Here, we will explore what the Dark Arts are, some basic defensive and offensive spells, and low ranking dark creatures that will allow you to develop an understanding about how we discuss and defend against dark creatures.
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