Luna-Mia Amora Estrella


  • Joined March 2019
  • Member of Slytherin
  • 0 House Points
  • 1st Year
  • United Kingdom


(Firstie) Nobody ever said it would be easy to be a Slytherin in her first year at Hogwarts. I am the youngest and come from a pureblood family of Slytherins, so when I was sorted into Slytherin the pressure was on to be a correct depiction of my family and our morals, and stand apart from my two graduated, more accomplished older sisters! My best class is Potions and Charms, but you don’t want to know how long I spend writing and rewriting those essays! I like Astronomy, Transfiguration and Herbology because of all the hands-on work, or as I call it “hands-off-the-quill-work.” When I’m not studying you can probably find me playing Chess in the great hall or reading and researching in the library. My best friends, Constella Black, another pureblood and a member of the cadet branch of the Blacks and Anastasia Takahiro, a Russian/Japanese first-gen witch born to two Psychiatrists, are my two partners in crime as we prank ourselves and the school through our Hogwart's career. My ambition is to acquire a Mastery in Potions, Charms, Runes and Arithmancy so I may be beneficial to my family.
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